
Based on the Robotech, a popular US animation series from 1980’s, ROBO-DOU VF-1J Veritech (Rick Hunter) is a high-fidelity collectible figure designed to capture the appearance as seen in the original anime series with an extremely high attention to detail. With our specialized engineering, ROBO-DOU Robotech figures are presented with the same ultra-rigid framework that threezero is known for, ensuring structural integrity, a stable posing experience, and our signature paint application.

ROBO-DOU VF-1J Veritech (Rick Hunter) is now available for pre-order at the threezero Store, the Tmall threezero flagship store, and threezero’s authorized retailers worldwide!

SPR: 149.99 USD / 1,090 RMB / 1,180 HKD / 4,670 TWD / Not selling in Japan

※ In development. Final product may vary from promotional images.
※ This item is available worldwide, but excluding Japan and the Crimea Region of Ukraine.


From the SHIN ULTRAMAN live-action film, both FigZero S 6 inch Ultraman -First Contact Ver.- (SHIN ULTRAMAN) and FigZero 12 inch Ultraman -First Contact Ver.- (SHIN ULTRAMAN) are currently on pre-order at threezero Store, threezero Tmall, and distribution partners worldwide!

Both of the collectible figures include 4 pairs of interchangeable hands (1 pair of fists, 1 pair of relaxed hands, 2 pairs of posed hands). FigZero 12 inch Ultraman -First Contact Ver.- (SHIN ULTRAMAN) has LED light-up feature installed in the eyes.

FigZero S 6 inch Ultraman -First Contact Ver.- (SHIN ULTRAMAN)
SRP: 49.99 USD / 370 RMB / 400 HKD / 1,560 TWD / 7,230 JPY

FigZero 12 inch -Ultraman First Contact Ver.- (SHIN ULTRAMAN)
SRP: 129.99 USD / 950 RMB/ 1,030 HKD/ 4,050 TWD / 18,780 JPY

※ In development. Final product may vary from promotional images.


From the movie “SHIN MASKED RIDER,” FigZero 1/6 Transformed Cyclone for Masked Rider No.2 (SHIN MASKED RIDER) is a highly detailed articulated motorcycle collectible figure. The front and rear wheels are fully rotatable, and features front wheel steering. Details include working front and rear suspension, with both utilizing real metal springs. The rear tire’s chain (made of soft PVC) and the brake levers are articulated. The articulated kick-stand enables the motorcycle to stand in parking mode.

FigZero 1/6 Transformed Cyclone for Masked Rider No.2 (SHIN MASKED RIDER) is currently on pre-order at threezero Store, threezero Tmall, and distribution partners worldwide!

SRP: 229.99 USD / 1,650 RMB / 1,800 HKD / 7,070 TWD / 31,000 JPY

※ In development. Final product may vary from promotional images.


The FigZero 1/6 Masked Rider No.2 (SHIN MASKED RIDER) is now available for pre-order. Features the 2nd heroic Rider, Hayato Ichimonji, and his iconic Rider helmet and Rider suit. With over 32 points of articulation this figure can perfectly showcase his powerful signature move, the “Rider Kick”.

FigZero 1/6 Masked Rider No.2 (SHIN MASKED RIDER) is now available for pre-order at threezero Store, threezero Tmall, and distribution partners worldwide!

SRP: 179.99 USD / 1,400 HKD / 1,290 RMB / 5,540 TWD / 24,260 JPY

※ In development. Final product may vary from promotional images.


Griffith (Reborn Band of Falcon) is now available for pre-order at the threezero Store, the Tmall threezero flagship store, and threezero’s authorized retailers worldwide! Its Deluxe Edition is offered as a limited item, and it will be on preorders at various events worldwide.

The Griffith (Reborn Band of Falcon) collectible figure includes many interactive features to increase playability. It comes with total of 2 pieces of interchangeable head pieces: a head with the helm and without the helm (Both heads use the same single bare face piece). The visor of the helm is articulated and can be lifted up to reveal Griffith’s face.

Standard Edition: 230 USD / 1,640 RMB / 1,810 HKD / 7,080 TWD / 32,060 JPY
Deluxe Edition: 290 USD / 2,070 RMB / 2,280 HKD / 8,920 TWD / 40,430 JPY

Deluxe Edition will be available in limited quantities at the following exhibitions:

July 19-23 Comic-Con International: San Diego
July 28-August 1 ANI-COM & GAMES HONG KONG 2023
August in Japan, date to be announced later
August 27-30 Seoul POPCON

※In development. Final product may vary from promotional images.


The ROBO-DOU VF-1J Veritech (Rick Hunter) stands approximately 8” (20.3cm) tall in Battloid configuration, and can be fully transformed between Fighter, Guardian, and Battloid modes.

Based on the Robotech, a popular US animation series from 1980’s, ROBO-DOU VF-1J Veritech (Rick Hunter) is now available for pre-order at the threezero Store, the Tmall threezero flagship store, and threezero’s authorized retailers worldwide!

SPR: 149.99 USD / 1,090 RMB / 1,180 HKD / 4,670 TWD

※ In development. Final product may vary from promotional images.
※ This item is available worldwide, but excluding Japan and the Crimea Region of Ukraine.


“Transformers: Rise of the Beasts” DLX Optimus Prime features an outstanding weathered paint effect which threezero has pioneered. The inner paneling of his chest plate contains intricate details which can be viewed through the window panels. Additionally, the DLX zinc alloy frame system adds a structural integrity and the die-cast metal parts add a nostalgic feel to the figure.

“Transformers: Rise of the Beasts” DLX Optimus Prime is currently available for pre-order at threezero Store, threezero Tmall, and distribution partners worldwide!

SRP: 229.90 USD / 1,640 RMB / 1,810 HKD / 7,070 TWD / 31,370 JPY

※ In development. Final product may vary from promotional images.


From the movie “SHIN MASKED RIDER,” FigZero 1/6 Transformed Cyclone for Masked Rider (SHIN MASKED RIDER) is a highly detailed articulated motorcycle collectible figure. The Cyclone’s iconic quadruple headlights and the six mufflers have LED light up features installed (requires AAA batteries x 3, batteries not included). The on/off switch is hidden in the details of the fuel tank to retain it’s incredible appearance.

FigZero 1/6 Transformed Cyclone for Masked Rider (SHIN MASKED RIDER) is currently on pre-order at threezero Store, threezero Tmall, and distribution partners worldwide!

SRP: 229.99 USD / 1,650 RMB / 1,800 HKD / 7,070 TWD / 31,000 JPY

※ In development. Final product may vary from promotional images.